The methodology for the development of web-based Diagnostic
Tools for the evaluation of environmental performance of businesses is
being presented.
The Diagnostic Tools evaluate environmental performance
on the basis of the business operational data. A limited set of environmental
indicators is being calculated, and the business environmental performance
is compared to that of its competitors as well as to literature data,
representing the concept of the "Best Available Techniques".
The performed diagnosis results at the identification
of potential environmental problems in the daily operation of a company.
The model suggests actions of minor and/or greater cost to be undertaken
in order to improve environmental performance and calculates the potential
benefit on the operational cost. The overall objective is to assist SMEs
to increase their competitiveness and thereby their position in the market.
The SMITE Approach
A model has been developed to stimulate SMEs to conduct
environmental audits and self-evaluate their environmental performance.
The Internet-based tool that has been developed is supporting SMEs to:
- Evaluate their environmental performance and assess its evolution
over time.
- Benchmark their performance against competitors at regional and
international level.
- Adopt "Good Practice" and/or Cleaner Production Guidelines
for improving their environmental performance.
- Evaluate economic benefits from the adoption of the above measures.
Environmental Performance Variables and Indicators
The evaluation of the environmental performance of the targeted industries
is based on a simplified set of performance indicators, which allow individual
industries to be benchmarked on a regional and international scale. The
indicators are estimated on the basis of performance variables provided
by companies. These are distinguished in organizational variables (management
and business variables) and environmental variables. The above variables
are expected to be available for companies, and they can be used as inputs
for the estimation of performance indicators. Performance indicators are
normalized measures of performance, in essence simple ratios of two variables.
According to the so far proposed measurement framework, the most common
variables used as denominators to construct environmental performance
indicators are:
- A standardized unit of production for a given sector (e.g. tonnes
of product).
- Total sales for a given company.
- Number of employees.
- Value added (total value of sales minus total cost of materials).
The derived indicators can be generic or sector specific. In this approach,
a set of generic indicators, complemented by sector specific ones, is
considered a reliable representation of a company's environmental performance.
The proposed set of indicators has been proved to be not only representative,
but also reducing complexity while retaining flexibility.
Industries effect a large number of interactions with the environment.
These include:
- Consumption of renewable and non-renewable resources
- Water consumption.
- Energy consumption.
- Waste and wastewater discharge.
- Air pollution, etc.
The multiple dimensions of environmental performance evaluation and assessment
are evident. One of the most difficult issues that arise is selecting
whether to proceed in producing aggregated measures of environmental performance
or not. The multidimensional evaluation of environmental performance is
avoided by presenting separately the proposed set of performance indicators.
The challenge is to produce simple environmental indicator figures, which
allow individual industries to be compared on a regional and international
Comparison is further complicated by the changes over time, which occur
eventually in the business production. These changes may affect the environmental
indicators of individual industries. The challenge posed is handled through
the selection of few generic indicators. The indicators are applicable
to the specific sector allowing for some unexplained variations, thus
permitting a general comparison without too much complexity.
Environmental Performance Evaluation and Benchmarking
Inputs for the model
Inputs are data and other operational information of the companies, which
are usually available. These data are required for the calculation of
environmental indicators and include other relevant information for further
studies on the environmental performance of the sector. Inputs are distinguished
Company profile data, such as:
- Type of products and processes.
- Number of employees.
- Sales value.
- Raw materials cost, e.t.c.
Technical data, such as:
- Energy consumption (all types of energy resources reported).
- Water consumption.
- Raw material used.
- Products produced.
- Non-product output to water, land and air.
Evaluation of environmental performance and benchmarking
Environmental performance evaluation is implemented through a restricted
set of environmental indicators, as they have been previously described.
Indicators are calculated by the model, and their current as well as previous
values are presented to the user.
Environmental performance evaluation is followed by benchmarking. Companies
are guided to compare their current performance to the median values of
the same set of indicators, for the same sector, from a sample of competitors
in the region (regional benchmarking). Regional values of environmental
indicators are produced and updated by the model, based on the input database.
Benchmarking is completed by BAT values, which represent the Best Available
Technology - state of the art performance (international benchmarking).
BAT values are provided by the relevant literature and case studies at
the international level, relevant to each one of the targeted sectors.
Following the environmental evaluation and benchmarking, technical interventions
and practical measures are suggested to the users to reduce environmental
impacts and consequently improve business competitiveness through cost
savings. The basis for recommendations is the current environmental performance
recorded at the previous step and the comparative evaluation with best
practices and target values. For each indicator, there is a reference
to an "Opportunity Bank" containing suggestions on how to improve
performance. The Opportunity Bank serves as a guide for the SMEs aiming
to improve environmental performance by means of cleaner technology.
Potential cost savings from improved environmental performance
Having evaluated the business environmental performance, the model estimates
at the final step the excessive costs related to their current performance,
and the potential cost savings achieved when applying BAT. These cost
savings are calculated separately for each individual performance indicator
and their sum represents the total potential operational cost
Administrative/Operational Performance Evaluation and Benchmarking
Administrative/operational performance indicators
The improvement of environmental performance requires
effective control of company's activities, products and processes that
may cause significant environmental impacts. Consequently, current management
practices that influence environmental performance should be identified
so that required changes could be introduced.
Management decisions and activities that influence
the company's environmental performance, e.g. implementation of an Environmental
Management System or environmental training of employees, are generally
evaluated by "effort" indicators. Qualitative and quantitative
effort indicators are registered and evaluated by companies to assess
their administrative/operational performance. At the next step, companies'
performance is being benchmarked against other industries of the same
sector at a national / regional and international level.
- General awareness performance
The inputs required by companies, simplified in order to be
easily available, are processed by a weighted score method in order to
evaluate the company's level of general awareness on environmental issues.
After identifying which criteria will be used for performance evaluation,
each criterion is assigned with a relative importance and a weighting
factor. These factors are used for measuring the company's final score.
Quantitative evaluation of administrative performance is implemented
by input data, referring to management practices towards environmental
performance improvement and the results of their implementation (Figure
6). These data can be easily processed to give a set of administrative
performance indicators, which are directly comparable and can be further
used for benchmarking.
Administrative/operational performance benchmarking
The calculated values of administrative performance
indicators as well as the weighted total score of environmental awareness
are communicated to the companies compared to the median value of all
inputs at the regional level and to the Best Practices values at an international
Legislative Compliance
The legislative diagnosis is be based on
the respective legislation of each country for the selected sectors, and
the relevant EU environmental legislation. The basic requirements of the
most significant legally binding documents are shortly presented.
A set of questions inquiring the status of compliance of the company
against National or European Legislation are then given, where the possible
options for answer are YES/NO/PARTIALLY.
Evaluating the level of compliance
The level of compliance to the respective legislative
framework is presented through a "Summary Report" indicating
the number of questionnes that have been answered, and the respective
number of laws/regulations that the company is in compliance with or not.
At the next step, additional information is given to the user, taking
into account the "weak" points of the company's legislative compliance.
In order to assist the users, the basic requirements of each law are presented,
and the possibility to study the full document is offered.